Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wi-FI on the farallon's

A Wi-Fi link that shoots 20 miles over the sea form the academy of science san francisco to proved internet  on the Farallon islands.  The researchers based on the island get quite high bandwidth, typically 18-20 megabits per second. The system cost a mere $500 per station , a fraction of the cost of a satalite link or microwave system. The system's uses a power-efficient single-board computer (like one found in slot machines) running  Linux operating system with three wireless cards for routers. The cards are made by Atheros', there off-the-shelf, high-power 802.11a/b/g.   The links between stations are using high-gain parabolic directional antennas -- hey act like a focused beam .  The system consumes very little power about 10w which is provide by a small solar panel. I love the fact that sea gulse in the ocean have accsee to faster internet then most Americans. 

A Wi-Fi installation at the Farallon Islands  

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