Thursday, September 15, 2011

Top Controversies

At&t T-mobile Merger
The deal proposed by AT&T will make the largest cell phone company in the US. They will effectively become the only nation-wide GSM cell phone company in the US. The US government has sued to stop this. In my opinion it will give consumers less choose and hurt competition.

Net Neutrality
The idea that stresses no restrictions by ISP -- Internet service providers or governments on consumers access to networks that participate in the internet.  Network neutrality would prevent restrictions on content, sites, or devices. Telecom companies want to impose a tiered model in order to remove competition, create artificial scarcity, and force subscribers to buy their services over others. I believe net neutrality to be very important to preserve our current internet freedom.

Community Broadband
 Is the attempt by grassroots groups or municipal agencies to to provide viable alternative to traditional ISPs.
Community Broadband can include wireless internet, phone, TV service and Internet. many states have passed or consider law barring local government from providing Broadband services to their residents. I belive that Broadband is becoming as important as electrical power or water. Local community should be able to decide if they want to statrt  community broadband to compete against private companies.

Gps and lightsquared
 LightSquared is a ground-based and satellite based next-generation 4G network  The network is currently opposed by Save Our GPS Coalition, an industry-standard group that promotes GPS issues in Congress. They say that if the network were to be deployed as currently planned it would have severe affects on GPS.  That it would put consumers at risk of losing GPS signal in North America.

ISP Affiliate Program 
ISP used a method of generating additional cash through advertising based on mistyped URLs in a web browesr.The results was searches of certain well-known brands by users where not being provided by the intended search engine. Instead they were being provided through affiliate marketing networks to earn revenue for the ISP. This all was done without consumer knowledge.

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